Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Is A Caribbean Wax Can You Get A Brown Fungal Infection In Your Ear?

Can you get a brown fungal infection in your ear? - what is a caribbean wax

Ok, so my trip to the Caribbean last month, I had ear problems. At first my doctor told me I had swimmers ear + ear wax buildup and bacteria Block my eardrums. The past two weeks with the drops and has not improved much. I went back and told me it could be fungus, but not white or black, he said it was brown. Is there still a fungal infection in humans in the middle thats brown?
He gave me ear drops, cloratimzole or something, concentration of 1%, it is also against fungi. when I burned the drops in my ears, my ears, as if sticking a miniature heating pad on my ear. And it is really thick, not like an ordinary liquid, or I leave my last, it feels very hard, because the hearing is under a lot of water or something, and when I stuck my head did not even liquid then drips into this type to continue from there and yet I feel IN underwater and not good.
Is there a fungal infection that? and help, if so, how these drops? If it is not yet an infection, damage the ear? Furthermore, we assume that burns there, and methis strange feeling? I swear, I'm a funny taste in my throat, too! Need help?

ps this is a new doctor, his problems trusting him, even


Anonymous said...

The taste on the back of the neck is probably eustatic drops in the ear drainage. Just take the drop, and if it does not again. Could be worse ... You need to enter their PIN.

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